b'PAYING FOR SENIOR LIVINGAND HEALTH CAREEven if youre healthy now, its important to budget for unforeseen healthThere are a variety of programs that can help cover some senior living problems. An unexpected health event like a fall or other injury, or a diseaseexpenses for those who qualify. Below are brief descriptions of those or condition that requires constant care, could be financially devastating.programs: Youve worked hard to build a solid financial future. Let us help you ensure that plan remains intact. Here are the resources you should consider when planning for a move:LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCEThis type of insurance is designed toSocial Security pay for, or supplement the cost of higher levels of care, if and when youRetirement savings, including 401(k)s, IRAs, pensions and annuities need them. It is an insurance that can be used alongside the benefits of aStocks and bonds Life Care contract. Capital assets such as homes, cars, boats, art, and real estateINCOME SOURCESThe majority of families use a combination of SocialLong-term care insurance Security, personal savings, pension payments, and retirement accounts suchLife insurance as IRAs and 401(k)s to help pay for senior living.10 11'